Thursday, August 28, 2014

An All Around Introvert Female

     Before I even read the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts, I already knew I am an introvert kind of female. The people that know who I am know that I always say I am an independent female and I do my own thing. Do not get me wrong I love a good party. I love to go to parties where there are so many people and you can meet new people, but I would rather sit at home alone and listen to music or at least have just that one person to sit down with and have a good conversation. When it comes to expressing myself I stay to myself. Music is the only thing that knows how I am truly feeling. I do love to listen to other people’s problems, but I never like to bother them with my own. When it comes to my learning experience I like to sit in my room alone rather than have a group study. When it comes to group projects I tend to do my own thing anyways so I might as well just be by myself. I never like to go to tutors because I like to figure things out on my own, but if I am really having trouble to the point of failing then I will eventually get some help, but nine out of ten I never do. I am not afraid to get up in front of people and make a speech or be the first person to start a conversation, but that still does not make me an extrovert. I would not say I am in-between an introvert and an extrovert either because no matter what I still would rather be alone or just having that one other person than being in a big group. I am also an Aquarius and I think we are big introverts.

1 comment:

  1. I find myself relating to your post from a whole new level. You said that you loved spending time with people and meeting others, but when it comes down to it, you would rather be by yourself with music. These are my exact thoughts. Music, to me, is like my own personal best friend that gets me through more than I think anybody else ever could. I am very careful about who knows certain details of my life, and I have a really hard time expressing how I truly feel. By listening to music, it takes all of those feelings and puts them in to words that I could never think of. By listening to music, my thoughts become extroverted, but nobody understands the meaning of that particular song in my life but me. So, I truly know where you are coming from with that comment. I would not that that you do not have some extrovert characteristics, like starting conversations with people, but I would agree that we are introverts who express themselves through music rather than our own words. I love this post.
