My personality is a fairly even mixture of introvert and extrovert, with a little bit more leaning towards the extroverted side. I really enjoy being sociable and hanging out with friends and new people, but only in small doses. As much as I love to make people laugh and be surrounded by others, I can get very annoyed and bored after a few hours - sometimes less. Once I reach that point, I need to just be by myself for awhile to listen to music, work on projects, or play some video games. This does force me to value each of these situations highly, though. It makes me much more sociable when I am in a group of people, but also helps me to focus on whatever I am doing when I am alone.
This mixture of introversion and extroversion makes it a little bit difficult for me to learn in a classroom type setting, sometimes. The introverted side of me really helps me focus in when I need to, but my extroverted tendencies make me want to talk to my friends in the class and not focus on the information at times. On the other hand, there are a lot of times where I do not learn well in group discussions, because I get uncomfortable being around everybody and having to talk with them. That does not happen very often, but it has inhibited to my learning on occasion. Where this really helps my learning abilities is with online classes. Since I can focus so well when I am on my own (as long as I have had my extrovert requirements filled for that day), I learn way more on my own and enjoy learning that way the most.
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