Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Introvert Personality

         While reading Quiet: the Power of Introverts that Can't Stop Talking"  there were many connections that were being made with the definitions and examples of an introvert.  On page 10, Susan Cain discussed that being an introvert represents someone that focuses on the meanings of events. This describes me to a T, I have many thoughts in my head that I would love to share with people around me about specific events or situations, however I enjoy sitting back and listening more.
                My favorite part of the day is at night when I am laying in bed by myself thinking about the day and the next day to come, this is when my battery recharges. I have a close friends' group and my parents mean the world to me, so when I am able to have dinner or watch TV with these important people, it is a perfect night.  Being at home is more comfortable and fun for me than being at a social gathering.  
                Reading this book almost made me laugh at times because some of the definitions were describing myself perfectly such as introverts are thought to be highly sensitive. When someone does a little act of kindness or says something sweet I smile and have to tell someone about the sweet gesture, where to someone else it might not mean anything. On the other hand a slight hint of violence or rudeness catches me off guard it hurts me quicker than others.

                However, I do believe that I am an extrovert when it comes to learning, for me to understand a topic I need to be hands on with the subject. I am not able to just observe something and understand it. I came to Mansfield because of the small classes, so that goes hand and hand with being an introvert and needing that specialized attention. 


  1. I am the same way with the learning part. I need the hands on in order to learn. if i have to just observe something in order to learn it then I am going to become very lost and confused with what you want me to do. The way people act definitely has a toll on me and the way I feel about it when I see it. It always gets to me when I see someone being mean or hurtful to another person. I have to agree with you that I would much rather be at home with the people that I care about than out and about with complete strangers that are seeking friendships.

  2. A lot of the points you mention also really echoed with me. I completely understand needing that down time to recharge and build yourself up for the next outing. I also really know what you mean slight gestures having a big impact on you. It can definitely be a double edged sword. I am really curious at to your learning style(It's the education major in me). I wonder if you feel like you learn better through the information being shared between you and others, or if you feel like you need to be involve in the material. Basically, do you feel like you could get as much out of the hands on learning by yourself or is it socializing with others that is helping you learn?

    1. That is a good question. I do believe that lectures are not the way of learning for myself. When I able to discuss with other students and the professor throughout the class, I grasp concepts more. I enjoy listening to examples and opinions because it makes me think differently. However I really enjoy heads on learning, it can be by myself or with others. Once again I do believe that hands on with a group may be better because we can interact and talk about the subject.

  3. You and I are basically the same way. I am an introvert person. I do as well love night times because all I do is lay on my bed and think about how my day went and how I think my day is going to be tomorrow. I do this until I eventually fall asleep. I also have a small circle of friends and that is ok with me. Having a big group of friends causes to much problems and stress. When it comes to learning for me I also like hands on topics, but then I do like to figure things out on my own. When I was reading this book everything they was saying I was just like “oh yeah, that’s me” and then when I read your blog I was like “yeah, this is me too.” How do you deal with group projects though?

    1. I do not mind group projects, but I enjoy doing projects by myself more. I find group projects to be more challenging because of all the different personalities that need to work together to create one project. I am particular with my grades I strive for As, so I check over people's work to make sure everything is done correctly. I am usually the group leader, but separate the work out evenly.. you?

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  5. I am also a introverted personality person. I like to do most things by myself, even there are something hard to solute. I also like lying in the bed thinking things. It is very comfortable. The quiet environment can let me get more efficient thinking.
