Thursday, August 28, 2014

Half and Half?

Throughout my life I’ve found that I can be an extreme introvert at times and then a complete extrovert other times. I remember thinking back on some high school classes where I didn’t know anybody, I felt so shy and apart from everything that was going on. Those were the times I realized I was working harder and doing more of the work I was supposed to. Then there were the classes that I had my close friends in, or after school activities that made me feel much more like an extrovert. That’s when I personally struggled to pay attention and didn’t seem to get much done, becoming the queen of procrastination. 

However as I aged, gained perspective, learned about depression and anxiety, I quickly seemed to switch. When I was feeling like my more outgoing self I was much more productive. I wanted to make sure I accomplished those things I set out to do. I felt more powerful, able to connect with others and learn from them. I prefer to be an extrovert and feel like I can be a part of things as opposed to feeling left out. That isn’t to say that all introverts are feeling left out, that was just my side of thing. My husband is very much introvert and he likes it that way, he wants to stay home and be by ourselves. It doesn’t make him feel left out, while I need to be helpful and be a part of things. My husband would say I’m full extrovert, I embarrass him at times because he keeps so much to himself all the time.

I have friends that are talkers, I learn so much from them and their extroverted personalities. I feel that I can be a big talker with certain friends. Then I have others that always come to me to vent, they know they can talk to me because I’ll listen. It seems normal and healthy to be a little bit of both worlds. I look forward to catching up and reading Quiet because it hasn’t yet come in the mail. As I’ve reflected more on the possibility that I am more introvert or more of an extrovert, I feel curious what I can learn from the text.


  1. Sara,
    I myself understand when you say that your husband thinks that you are extrovert because you are outgoing around him. I do the same thing around my fiancé, lots of people would call me shy around them but when you give me a couple months I start opening up and become more talkative with them. When I was reading Quiet I realized that I am the kind of person that opens up after awhile of being around others. Being in the middle of each might not be that bad I think.

  2. Sara,
    I can also relate to your post. I think it is healthy to express both introvert and extrovert characteristics. I like how you stated you learn from friends. I think that is really neat because, with your introverted side you can learn a lot about people from their behaviors and by the sounds of it you apply those mannerisms to your extroverted personality. I also like how you stated that friends come to you to vent. That also says a lot about your extroverted side. I think that you are very ambivert and you express it well in this post.

  3. I can definitely relate to what you are saying. I personally feel as though i am a mix of both as well. I agree with the part where you say that there are certain people or friends you have that you can be extroverted with and be more outgoing, and then you have others in your life such as your husband who are more introverted and you can relate to them as well.
    I think its about finding a balance between the two. From what I read of your blog, it sounds like that is what you do, it's what you are comfortable with. I think I can relate to being more of an extrovert though. I like how you said that you feel that being an extrovert makes you have more perspective of what is going on around you. It makes you more a social person and able to connect with others and what is going on with your friends and their lives. Almost like a social butterfly in a way. But also being able to have that introvert side with your husband.

  4. I agree with you since I also think that I’m an ambivert person. It’s interesting to me that you feel you’re a more productive person when you’re social. I feel that I’m a better learner when I’m engaged in class however not so much when completing classwork. I can see what you mean when you say you feel empowered when you accomplish what you set out to do. I could definitely see why making connections with others helps you be productive as I also find myself wanting to share success with people. You did a good comparison of the two topics; I think it was a good substitute for not having the text available.
