Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Business As Usual in America

Sadly, or rationally, I think the Jodi Arias trail became such a large spectacle because that’s what America likes. As per the norm in most life situations, there are those that believe one thing and those that believe another. The strength of the brutality is what flares the people on the sidelines, aka t.v. viewers at home or YouTubers. Travis Alexander was stabbed 27 times, had his throat slit and was shot in the head. That’s a lot of effort to make sure someone is dead, regardless of what the reasons were. 

If I were asked what I thought the reasons for a scenario like that would be I’d offer up options such as Jodi’s parents or child must have been killed in some way by Alexander, accidentally or not. Or maybe he had repeatedly beaten her for an extended duration of time while additionally having sex with multiple women. Something like this would give my mind grounds for understanding why someone would basically snap and kill a person three times over. 

Because of this powerful killing, and one group saying the poor girl was domestically abused, and the other saying yeah but look at the camera photos of the before and after, the multiple stories she’s been telling, the lies about gas cans at Walmart and rental car distances, etc., brings out natural anger as to why one group cannot see what the other group is trying to convey. Then this goes into the nightly news over and over again, which continually rips at the fresh band-aid of what was heard the day before. Friends tell friends of their opinion, and other friends hear, and eventually it becomes a typical American bed time story. 

Its popularity with the public stems from this aggravation of opposing opinions, and once again, people love dirt to talk about. Americans secretly dream of new crazy news like this. All the added flavors of the case, the anal sex, the Mormon conversion, the lies, the camera shots recovered which had sex on one of the reel and profuse bleeding at the other, all play into the typical Hollywood style drama of what the public loves to chew.


  1. I have to agree with you. As much as we want peace and everyone to be happy in this country, we love entertainment. We love something that will get us talking, something that will get our mind off of work, and being able to give our own opinions about. This trial has been going on for awhile with new material and evidence being brought up, so we love to follow interesting trials. Look at this past Feurgson trial, we loved getting involved in and watching the trial unfold. It had nothing to do with us here in PA, yet many people rioted and had their own opinions. It is an interesting world.

  2. I agree we love entertainment and the weirder the better. It makes you worry that criminals know that too. Most people who commit these types of crimes are already mentally ill in some way and now we have created another way for them to make themselves the center of attention. If you are going to go down for murder why would you simply shoot someone in the head when you can shoot them in the head, stab them 27 times and slit their throat instead. One will get you in prison and the other will get you on the news.
