Friday, December 5, 2014

Self-Defense or Cold Blooded Murder?

Personally I think that this case took off with the media as much as it did was because she was a woman. Most cases in the news are with men that are serial killers. This case was interesting because it was about a woman that jealous and killed her ex-boyfriend. With her trying to change her story multiple times and trying to convince everyone that it was his fault and not her fault. I feel that because of her being a woman murderer the story was huge in the media. There is that image of woman murderers that they are all psychotic and crazy. This was partially what people thought of Jodi also. With her also changing her story as many times as she did, the media didn’t know if she would be convicted of first degree murder or second degree murder. The general public also was interested because of how high the profile of the case was. This case was like a story made for a movie and there are rarely woman murderers that don’t have high profile cases. All of the evidence found by the officers and everyone working the case pointed to her but she kept changing her story to try to make it seem like she didn’t do it. it also could have been this big because of the person she murdered. He was very active in his church a religious man. She had no ties to a church and decided she wasn’t to be baptized into the church to be able to be with Travis even thought their relationship was mostly sexual. She did not see it that way and her jealousy took control. She seemed to have some sort of disorder which also could make the case such high profile. 

1 comment:

  1. We do seem to have a hard time comprehending women who are murderers. We instantly want to believe that it has to be mental illness, not just pure evil or a fit of rage. This is historically the case with famous female murderers such as Lizzie Borden, Susan Atkins and Aileen Wuornos.But it is true that very few women are arrested for murders such as this.
