Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What Happened in The Court Room, Did Not Stay in The Court Room

The Jodi Arias murder trial became such a spectacle because of everything that was going on. Her ex-husband has been stabbed between 27 to 30 times, had his throat slit from ear to ear, and a gunshot wound to the head. That is something people are going to want to know every detail on why this lady would do all this to her ex-husband. Also he was laid out in his shower. Not only did all this happen, but also the trial took more than four months. There was Mormonism, which is the main religious tradition of the Latter Day Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity, phone sex, a ham of a prosecutor, a 18 days of testimony from Arias herself, a defendant more willing to seek the spotlight, and a judge who extended tolerance in allowing cameras in court. As the trail went on Arias came up with the craziest stories. They were different each time also. Finally she was found guilty for doing something so disgusting and unreal.

This trial was so popular to the general public because this is something you do not hear on a regular day. The things we are hearing about this is unbelievable. The fact that Jodi Arias wants all the attention after she stabbed her ex-husband, the man she claimed she loved so much, more than 27 times. Some say she only told the police that she murdered Travis Alexander because she wanted the death penalty. No one ever wants to death penalty so of course people like myself want to hear more on what is going on. Also how there has been sexting between the two and then she said that he physically abused her and that he was a pedophile. There is plenty more on what happen at this trial and that is the reason why it was so popular and people wanted to hear more.


  1. I completely agree with you, this trial has so many things and stories surrounding it that people want to be involved, primarily because they are noisy. I am guessing that a small percentage of the people following the case cared about Jody Arias or her murdered ex-boyfriend...they were noisy. People are noisy in general and when it comes to sex, scandal, and violence people will do anything to be involved and know whats happening. This only escalates when people involved are willing to do anything to share in the spotlight!

  2. Krystal,
    This trial wasn’t your typical trial and I know I was interested in reading more about it because of how gruesome it was. To know that she is capable of that and shows no remorse is horrifying. She cared more about her appearance and getting the media’s attention. Her stories were always changing, which did not look good for her self-defense plea. Also, how some of the officers involved in this case acted drew more attention to it. There was a lot going on with this case and al lot of people wanted to be involved or know what was going on.
