Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Answer Escapes me

While I do believe everyone has the right to their own opinion, I can't for the life of me figure out why everything now a days needs to be publicized.   I suppose it comes from the demand of the popularity of "reality" shows, or shows talking about crime. I am just as guilty of watching those shows as the next person. I am not sure if we as a society are guilty of wanting to watch them or just the plain simple fact that seems to be what is on TV the most these days. I didn't watch the trial, rarely read anything on it, I can honestly say besides what I have read for this class I know nothing of the trial. Just from what I have read it seems to me she wanted to make it a publicized messed, and her fifteen minutes of fame. I am sure the people who were involved in the trail didn’t seem to mind the media coverage as some were hoping it would help the trail go their way if they opened it up, at least in public opinion which seems to be what really matters to most people anyway. Even with being convicted of the crime, they were hoping the public opinion would help with the appeals, pull some kind of sympathy vote. Yes, I am sure the reason her trial became a spectacle was because of the oddity of her behavior or the fact that it could possible become a death penalty case. I'm sure each and every news station or media outlet had their own reasoning to make it such a big deal for them to report. Of course this is all speculation as I don’t know anything of the trail besides a few readings.


  1. You are very right, it is hard to turn on the television without seeing these "reality" type shows or news spectacles. If that's all that is on it is very easy to catch your attention. How many times I have gotten wrapped up in a reality tv show I will never be able to count but it catches your eye just like the dramatic stories of the news catch ones eye and regardless of whether we would like to or not we start forming opinions whether we care or not.

  2. I think that is what the media wants. They want us to form an opinion on something we truly dont know crap about... only what they publish. I have very limited exposure to the news as I dont like everything they talk about it all bad, the only time they want to post happy stuff on the news is between Thanksgiving and Christmas, as if nothing good ever happens the rest of the year. I am a firm believer the world is not all bad sadly that is just all we ever hear about.
