Friday, December 5, 2014

Nothing Is As It Seems: A Media Distortion of A Sensitive Case

I believe that this case became so popular because of the circumstances of which Alexander was murdered under.  It is, initially at least, by the evidence presented in news articles, unclear how he was murdered.  This is a clearly interesting case in which the woman accused of murder pleads not guilty, but on top of this, testifies in her own defense for 18 days.  She portrays herself as the victim in the crime that took place, plus the fact that she changed her story about her whereabouts during the crime 3 times.  I believe this makes her story almost that much more difficult to believe.  My reasoning behind this statement is because if one was truly not guilty of a crime, they wouldn’t have to lie about where they were on the day said crime took place.  I believe since the story was unclear added to the fact that this was a possible abuse story therefore the media ate this story up.  It seems like the crime had exactly what news media sources were looking for with regards to an exciting headline that got even Hollywood actors opinions on the case.  This case was blown out of the water almost from the get go and only got more attention from the world as a recent retrial is also taking place now.  This is a classic example of how a case can get national attention and really get more attention due to this fact.  If it had not been an ex-girlfriend killing an ex-boyfriend, or in other words domestic violence I don’t believe this case would have gotten the specific attention it did. 

1 comment:

  1. There is no question that she did it. Everyone had the same inkling that she was lying about the whole "self defense" story. Jodi was trying to play the delicate, abused woman to appeal to people and tug on societies heart strings. Truth is, she's a cold blooded killer.
