Thursday, December 4, 2014

Spectacle Schmectacle

Everything about this case was odd in terms of those who usually are held accountable for such brutal murders. The way that Travis Alexander was killed was horrific beyond words, but the focus was on the woman and the relationship previous to the murder rather than the murder itself. I fully believe that this whole trial became such a huge sensation to the media because she is a smaller female who was capable of doing something so awful. Very few people would truly believe that a woman who carried herself the way that Jodi did throughout this trial could commit such a crime that they were so caught up in the trial just to find out if she was acquitted. The general public could not wait to find out what the verdict of this trial was because she is a female that they forgot how serious the actual case was. I think that for the public, this case was odd in terms of it's stature and the possibility that this could have actually happened. The schema that comes along with murders such as this usually are not connected to women. When the wheels started turning and the public really showed interest, it gave the media every advance they needed to keep this going as long as they could or until the verdict was stated. The way Jodi presented herself to the public made them question whether or not she could possibly be guilty. She was so good with messing with the media and phrasing her words just right to make people wonder and question what actually happened that night with Travis Alexander. She showed charisma and had no problem presenting herself to the camera.

This case has a lot of social psychological aspects to it. When it comes to eye witness testimony, people often use schemas and their memories to remember information about certain crimes. This is not a good way to remember information and mistakes are often made when coming to a verdict. Jodi had many characteristics that people became so moved by that they forgot what was being said and focused on her instead. Jodi also took care of herself for the most part during her trials. She usually showed up with extremely nice clothes with her hair and place and she showed confidence while she was on the stand. With people being confused about whether or not someone small and female could be capable of this crime, people questioned the whole case and they became tangled up in the media coverage to try to form their own opinions and waited anxiously for the verdict.

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