Friday, November 7, 2014

A hole to fill

What makes people attach themselves to fantasies is that idea alone. it's the idea that you can take your mind into a place where reality is nothing but a thought in the back if your mind. Everyday we are constantly bombarded with work and stress, making these worlds that we go off into almost like reality. The escape is what everyone is essentially looking for. An escape from the normal, from the average, which helps us go about our actual everyday lives. The fantasy is obviously just entertainment, but the way we perceive books and movies changes they way we see the world. Personally I know that a single message in a film or song can have a lasting impact on what I do and why I do it. These fantasies may not have any true meaning in real life but we are able to take part of this fantasy with us and apply it to certain situations we ourselves are dealing with. Personally I believe it acts as an outlet to what ever you have going on in your life. For some people this outlet is playing a video game and traveling to a fantasy world, for others it's sitting at a casino playing slots. Many of us are trying to fill something unfulfilled in their lives through these fantasies which could also be another reason for such an attachment. Nonetheless, everyone is trying to fill a hole with their fantasies it's just a matter of what it is to be fulfilled.


  1. I agree with your post, getting away from reality and not thinking what has to be done all the time is a stress reliever. It's good to know that there is a form of escape we can use to get away from the real world and pretend to be other people. I know that when I daydream I want to escape reality and all the worries it comes with. I have never participated in an online fantasy world, but I know that some people take that form of entertainment seriously and make it more important than some aspects in their real life. I guess whatever makes one happy and gets them through the day is okay.

  2. Bi really agree with your post! I completely agree that far task is an escape from the real world. When the going gets rough a dreamland is perfect to helps us escape from what's really going on. We can turn our backs for a moment and imagine the good. I feel like falling task world's can make us feel either really good about ourselves or bad. Like i imagine myself as a strong bodybuilding woman when I workout so I can feel good about myself. I am by no means even close to being strong enough to even lift myself to do a pull up. But I feel better thinking I am as strong as body builder.

  3. I really agree**
    Where it says falling task or far task I meant fantasy :)

  4. I do not think that people who are in these fantasy worlds live a stress free life. I believe that we have grown to think that , that is why we would like to become the character. yes it is nice to escape for a while but the same stress we face daily these characters go through, maybe even worse. They have a certain image to portray and if they do poorly then it will reflect onto their characters. I believe that some people should step back and reevaluate their lives. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
