Friday, November 14, 2014

Goose chase or witch hunt ?

There are witch hunts in society today, but they are different kinds of witch hunt. Back in the day some people were actually looking for some type of witch. In society today people are looking for others who do not believe in the same thing as them or a killer or a rapist. People constantly pick on others who do not believe in the same values, norms or way of living they constantly bash this people and they people believe that they are above others. People in this society today are cruel they will find anything about you to criticize about it could be the simplest thing. Some of these people I would call them the modern day Hitler. They will pick and choose who they choose to associate, yes many people do the same but some also give others a chance. Another witch hunt is with cop killers. The most recent story is when the boy shot and killed the officers. Many of the officers who received the case stopped at nothing to find this killer. When in other cases the cops will not search for a person who killed someone as hard. I believe that the cops believe that they are over everyone else and should receive the most respect. I believe that it isn’t true because there are some dirty cops but this is the society we live in. We as citizens hold cops up on a pedestal. There were some similarities because the people in the crucible stopped at nothing to prove that they were witches without evidence and in society the court system will stop at nothing to prove someone is guilty without a lot of evidence.


  1. really good post i agree its people hunting people because of minor differences really good post and very calid points

  2. I agree, people can no longer hide behind the word "witch" no one would believe someone if they said that a person is a witch. People are just people doing bad things to others and that is what the world has come to. Not hiding behind a word or a belief.
