Thursday, November 6, 2014

Imagine That

I believe half of the question answers itself. The reason that people connect to fantasy worlds is because they has no immediate connection to real life. We live in a society that is very connected to the real life. It makes since because, well, what’s real is real. Going through real life over and over again can be kind of boring. You are constantly restrained. You have to be at your job by a certain time, be there for a certain number of hours, use most of the money you made on things you are required to pay for, and at the end of the day you have worked the majority of your day so that you can finally have the time to do whatever you want. Well, mostly anything you want. You can’t REALLY do whatever you want. After a long day of following the rules of your job you still have to follow the rules of the real world. That is, unless there was an escape! This is the appeal to fantasy worlds. Fantasy worlds allow us to do what whatever we want. They are whole worlds of imagination! With so many possibilities (infinite really) it’s hard not to be able to relate to at least one. It’s even easier to relate when you consider the fact that you can create your own personal fantasy world. Every fantasy world has its start from someone’s mind and can therefor relate to at least that person. That person can then open up his fantasy world through books, movies, video games, or any other medium for a story and allow anyone else to be a part of their fantasy world.


  1. The fantasy world lets you be imaginative and what we might want life to be like. Life would be great if we could have super powers or live on another planet where the only thing you had to do was eat, sleep, and be with your friends and family. I wish we were able to do this in real life and not have to read about our hopes and dreams. That's a great point that there are video games where you are able to bring others into your fantasy life to join the fun in the imaginary world. Having other people connect with you in these worlds creates the feeling of being more realistic.

  2. As one who hates video games and gamers, I appreciate this perspective because it makes no sense to me why people waste their time there. But they might think the same of me reading book after book.
    It's a wonderful thing to exit reality and live in a fantasy sometime, enjoying what life could be with magic powers or dragons around.

  3. I agree with what you are saying. That is a good reason as to why people relate to fantasy worlds. Having that scheduled life is too strict sometimes and people need that place to find others to relate to. You are also correct about how there are some games that you can play that you can literally do whatever you want. Some games allow you to fly and change you r clothes by spinning and not have to sleep. Having that escape from reality is very good for some people. Good post.

  4. I love the words you used: boring, restrained...they are accurate! Real life does get monotonous, repeating the same things every day! I think people retreat to fantasy to get away from the monotony of it all. I think we should encourage children and adults to partake in a fantasy world of sorts, whether it be building a castle out of boxes, or daydreaming of a new invention. Fantasy worlds fulfill our needs of getting away from the ordinary.
