Why do people retreat to a fantasy world? I would start with because life is monotonous and tedious! You get up, get ready, go to work, come home, make dinner, do more work/homework, take care of the kids, go to bed, wake up and do the same thing the next day....even reading it is boring right?! Everyone should and most likely does retreat to some sort of fantasy world at some point during their week. How? By daydreaming, watching movies, reading, playing, role playing, and going on vacation. These are just a few outlets of one's imagination.
I think another reason people retreat into a imaginative world is because thats where they can be themselves and truly fit in! For example, even though I have only seen it done in movies, LARP'ing is a way people with a particular type of personality can be themselves, relax, and enjoy their time using fantasy. I personally do not enjoy or connect to Star Wars at all, but perhaps someone that enjoys Sci-Fi, technology, astrology, and good vs evil would love to retreat into the movie's plot and get away from the responsibilities of everyday life for a while.
For me, the reason I like to retreat into my fantasy life, whether it be watching a movie or daydreaming or playing with my son, is because it has no connection to real life! I want to be able to enjoy myself without thinking about my mile long to-do list. When a person retreats to their fantasy, whatever their outlet may be, the can relieve, or at least forget about the pressure of real life's responsibilities and needs.
I also think that being able to indulge in fantasy life is something people enjoy because it gets your mind away from your sometimes boring day to day life. I liked how you wrote about people always being able to fit it. I had never really thought about that but its so true.