Thursday, November 13, 2014


                Obviously witches are not real.  There cannot be anything like the witch chase and trial because people are a lot smarter now.  No body would even consider it if some body came up to them on the street a said “Hey!  That chick over there is a witch.”  So there could be no witch chase due to a lack of origin.  As a human race we are not that smart. But we are smart enough to realize that witches aren’t real.  One hunt I can think of that relates but a different kind of witch is hunted down.  The hunger games surprisingly reminds me of a modern day crucible.  The girls are searching for a way out. Trying to use scapegoats and what not. They are trying to free themselves from the grasps of a greater power.  In the hunger games at first the main character is in it for herself trying to find a way to make it through. She ends up succeeding and finding a way to live through the games.  And then there is the second story were all the participants are previous winners and they all just want to start a revolution and over through the government.  They are similar because in both stories the underdog is using any technique they can to save their lives and over through the higher powers that be. But over all we all know that witches and hunger games and real.  Everyone knows it.  It is all fiction.  Our society has grown and learned a ton of scientific information since the time when this book was written.  In many ways we lean on fences built from out dated morality but when it comes to science there are some things that you can not argue and the fact that witches are not real is one of them.  


  1. you brought up a great argument about witchcraft not being real. if you are speaking from an American perspective than this is true. but I would tell you that witchcraft is real in other parts of the world. being a decedent of an African heritage I can say for sure that witches does exist. I listen to my grandmother and other family member that live there tell stories about how people live in constant fear for their lives. witches is real in other parts of the world.

  2. I agree about the witches not being real. I also agree that your relation of the hunger games to the witch hunts is very true. The government controlling the people as if they are different than themselves shows punishment for who they are. There are a lot of examples of modern day witch hunts in our media today, makes you wonder why that is so.

  3. I like your relation to the hunger games but I disagree with you that people don’t believe in witches and that they don’t exist. There are religions and culture that believe that they do exist and even though you might not believe in them doesn’t mean others don’t. I know how I was raised I personally do not necessarily believe that they exist but I know people and cultures that do. Good connections though.
