There is so much in this world that is worth living for and
not everyone thinks of that in the same way. We all have our own functioning
brains with the knowledge that we want to seek. Some on the other hand will
share a love for the realms of fantasy. If you look at our society and most of
the entertainment we seek, there is a vast majority that pertains to fantasy. From
books, games, movies, plays, etc. we including myself enjoy a good story but why?
Why are we drawn to different worlds? Why do you long for things that are not
in our daily lives? Now I’m not going to sugar coat this because I’m going to
speak my mind: the real world sucks. It is very true to me that the current
life is not fun. We are expected to do what the others before us have done and
fix their mistakes. But human life in this era is boring. With a game or
fantasy we can escape this life for an hour or so. Maybe we can listen to
another’s story or maybe make a costume and become that story. One of the greatest
things in our brain is the imagination. That is what makes fantasy yearn to be
sought out. But let’s take another turn at this: true that some use fantasy to
escape the real world because they don’t enjoy it. Maybe they are bullied and
in the fantasy realm they are seen as the best, but when you think about it
fantasy was made from the real world meaning it is a part of it. They exist in
the same plane so we should not treat them as different. Sometimes We all need
an escape whither is fantasy or some other way because doing the same thing over
and over can really wear you down. (Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla)
I love it, you are absolutely right one of the greatest thing in our brains is our imagination.We all need an escape from our daily lives-sometimes it isn't something we can feasibly do, so why not utilize fiction/fantasy to help? There are plenty of things that I relate too in fantasy. Sometimes when I'm having a particular bad day at work I just imagine I'm somewhere else and it helps break up the day so that I can get through it.