Friday, November 7, 2014

An Alternate Life

Humans like to be able to have that fantasy world to get away from their everyday lives. People feel that their lives are boring and by pretending that they are someone else for the time being or emerging themselves into something that is an alternate universe. By doing this it can help them release stress and forget about the troubles of everyday life. People have this vision in their head that they could be something in an alternate universe. Some want to be a captain of a space craft and others want to fight the warlocks that hide around every corner. Having that “dream” or alternate thinking can help relax someone or give them time to themselves. Watching movies like Star Wars: A New Hope help with this view of an alternate universe that have nothing to do with real life. Having that outside place to be able to “transport” to when you need a break from reality is just what some people need. Sometimes that other world is their fantasy world of where they wish they actually are. Some fantasy worlds are like Star Wars. Some are like a video game. And others enjoy going to a place where they never get old. The imagination of the human mind can be extraordinary and can take us where ever we want to go where ever if you have the mind set to be ale to do it. Having that place is hat gets some people through life.  


  1. I agree that people use the fantasy world as an escape from their everyday life and need this to just release stress and have a time to release all the things that are happening around them and to them.

  2. The use of a video game is such a great example for this. As someone who considers themselves an avid gamer I can definitely attest to the fact that video games help relieve stress as well as keeping your mind at work making it easier to forget about what was stressing you out. It may only be a temporary outlet but it is entirely something necessary in day to day life. Without such fantasies how would we be able to imagine amazing ideas like hover boards and self tiring shoes.

  3. I completely agree with you. It’s nice to escape everyday life and be able to transpose yourself into an alternate universe when you indulge in a book or movie. Imagine what life would be like if you were in the Hunger Games. Could you handle it? Isn’t nice to be able to imagine yourself in Katniss’s shoes without having to go through everything she does.
