Thursday, November 6, 2014

Realism Greater Than Fantasy

    Although, most people relate to stories set in fantasy worlds I have never felt that way. I enjoy reality, and do not like to be stuck in a fairy tale imagination. I believe that we are only here on earth for a short time and if we spend most of that time focusing on stories that could never happen or have no immediate connection to us then what's the point? I would rather focus on stories that I can take away valuable information and lessons. Yes, I know fantasies can have valuable lessons in them as well, but if your receiving a lesson from a realistic story I think you would be more likely to follow through with what that lesson has taught you than having it come from a fantasy.
     I believe many people use fantasy as a way to escape reality, and I understand that there are sometimes as humans we need an escape from life, but I have found different ways to escape. They also are able to relate to the characters because they may have some of the same feelings that the fantasy character has. I honestly am not sure how else people are able to relate to fantasy because like I said before it is not something I can relate to. Furthermore, I do not disagree with fantasy and if that's what someone relates to best, more power to them!


  1. I can understand where you are coming from with your opinion. I actually have never been big into fantasy either and always preferred more realistic stories. I think we have to be careful not to get too wrapped up in imaginative fantasy worlds, but I also think having a healthy imagination is good too. Our life as we know it exists today because people all along of been imagining ways to make new things or achieve bigger accomplishments. In many ways, a lot of people have actually managed to turn their fantasies into reality. Our society has seen a lot of benefits from this, but it also also led to some pretty negative things too, so we need to find the right balance between reality and fantasy.

  2. I feel like some people don't connect to other people around them very well so they tend to bury themselves in a fantasy world. I'm not saying fantasy is better than realism or vice versa, I just feel like both are important. Having a good imagination is just as important as knowing when to come back to reality. Some people cant make it through life as "Steve the accountant" for instance, without occasionally seeing themselves as Mace Windu from Star Wars. Sometimes a character trait in a fantasy world can rub off on a person and fill the empty void of what that person feels is the lacking trait.

  3. I understand where you are coming from. I don’t go into another world or necessarily like the fantasy things either but I do understand why other people do. We all have different personalities and like different things. It is just another way for people to relieve stress and to get their mind off of things. I don’t prefer to do that but if that is the way they cope with life that is the way they do it. It’s different the way that people enjoy fantasy worlds and people that “prefer to stay here” see each other and communicate with everyone. Sometimes it’s the way that people talk to each other is their own fantasy world.

  4. I’m glad you chose to stray away from what would have been normal and spoke what you truly feel. Personally I love to be engulfed in the fantasy realm because it gives me a feeling of doing something other than being a graphic designer. I could be a chef, a magic mechanic, a bounty hunter, you name it. But form your post I see that we are all not the same. Just because you enjoy the real world should mean nothing to the way one should feel about you. We all are different people and if we spend more time bickering over petty likes and dislikes, will never get to meet a potentially great person. All power to you in speaking your mind.

  5. Have you ever just want to escape into something different? I can relate to what you’re saying with the lessons from realistic stories and fantasy stories. I like to escape into a mindless fantasy movie to help take my mind off of all the stress from school and life. The Harry Potter series or the Lord of the Rings series are my two favorite series. Both being different aspects of fantasy, I can’t help but to think what life would be like living in those worlds.
