Thursday, November 6, 2014

Fantasy vs. Reality

In my opinion, it is easier to relate to anything fantasy related than relating to something in the real world because you can get away from the fantasy world or have anything happen that have no real effect on you. Fantasy worlds are great escapes from reality and some people may feel like they are able to express who they really are in a fantasy world, even if they pretend to be other people. People don’t have to look forward to any judgment they may experience in the real world because I’m assuming that other people in the fantasy world have similar interests to one another and they want a hostile free environment. This may not be avoidable but people in a fantasy world have much more options about what they can and cannot do than they would in the real world. Most people in the real world may have a day to day routine, but the people in the fantasy world have the free will to do as they please. The can look how they want and be whoever they want. The no immediate connection to real life is what I think draws people into fantasy worlds. I’m sure everyone would like a break from their everyday lives once in a while. This is proven true from people daydreaming about various things when they are or are supposed to be focused on something in the real word. People relate to stories set in fantasy worlds because they place themselves in the place of the people in the fantasy worlds and pretend to be them.    


  1. great post, I really enjoy reading it. I agree with you that many people in a fantasy world have much more options about what they can and cannot do than they would in the real world. this is truth because you are in control of the things around you. being the boss of everything and everyone is what draw most people into this world. Rich or poor we all fantasy about a more better life than the real world we live in. a world where everything is simple and easy.

  2. I never thought about people liking fantasy because it helps them to be who they really are. I enjoy more realistic stories things that can actually happen and have a hard time understanding how people can get so into fantasy, but you have given me a lot of insight on maybe why people do find comfort in fantasy. I throughly enjoyed your post!

  3. Living in a fantasy world definitely gives a person a lot more freedom. In real life we are restricted to so many limits, both physically and metaphorically, but in fantasy, there are no limits. We can do anything and be anything we want. We don't have to put up with all of the problems that reality inflicts on us. We can just let our imagination wander, and I think that doing this from time to time can be good for us. We all need a break from life now and again.

  4. Rose,
    Great post! I really enjoyed reading it. Living in a fantasy world is everyone's dream. Like you said, everyone would love to get away from reality and live in the fantasy they choose at least for a little while. I know I would. If I were to live in a fantasy world, I would most likely be living in a palace somewhere in England without a care in the world about what goes on. Like you said in your post, people will daydream a lot about their fantasies rather than focusing on something they should be focusing on in the real world. We all do that every now and then. I have always dreamed of being like someone famous from a movie or a show. Isn't that everyone's dream?

  5. I know that I read books on my breaks from school for this same purpose. Escaping reality for a little while, even if its in the break room during my lunch. After I have that little escape I can go back to reality with a fresher approach and less stressed. These little breaks from the routine give us the ability to refresh and also especially in the work place it gives us control over our own time.
