Friday, November 14, 2014

Social Witch Hunt

Today there are “witch hunts” everywhere we look. People are always looking for ways to criticize other’s beliefs because they aren’t the same as theirs. Witch hunts today are more of people “attacking” those who have different belief similar to the witch hunts in the crucible, the difference is that people aren’t hanged in today’s society. Many of those who stereotype others, typically end up alienating those people similar to those who were alienated by the Puritans. More recently, homosexuals have been targets for many of these modern day witch hunts. Homosexuality has just recently been accepted in today’s society but some are still not as accepting. Hate crimes and bullying are becoming increasingly more common. Overweight people are also in the scopes of these witch hunts because in society’s eyes, a few extra pounds isn’t acceptable. I have been personally victimized by both of these stereotypes. I have been called “gay,” even though it’s not true. I have also struggled with weight issues growing up, and even though I have lost over a hundred pounds the memories are still there. These witch hunts are more a victimization rather than a hanging, but even though these victims may want to be hanged it does get better. Life as a bully victim can be rough but as long as the victim stays true to themselves they can overcome the harassment.  

1 comment:

  1. We have this conception of what everyone should be like, and when it doesn't make that model people feel threatened. This is an irrational belief that so many people hold. Think of even the smallest thing. People who criticize others based on appearance. As you said with over weight individuals, these people are often ridiculed or criticized. The reality is that these people might be hard working, caring great individuals, but society misrepresents them as lazy and generally awful. It's an effort to normalize to reduce the threat of society's structure. It's irrational and sad, but time and education are reducing these fallacies in logic.
