Thursday, November 13, 2014

Duck Hunt

      Duck Dynasty is a very popular television series on television these days. It's focus is on the Robertson family who are very hardworking (most of the time) make their life making and selling their famous duck calls. This family is extremely down to earth, loving, and also very Christian. Which is amazing to see because you don't see many Christian families on reality television. Everyone immediately fell in love with this family and the tight bond that they have. However, one day a family member, Phil Robertson, made one remark on something and the whole world blew up. During a GQ interview with Mr. Robertson he was asked what he thought was sinful. He stated, "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men." After he stated his beliefs he was then chastised and even kicked off the show for a little. This can be compared to a "witch hunt" because he was punished for what his beliefs were. And then his words were twisted to the point where people were saying that he didn't like homosexuals and that he was comparing homosexuality to bestiality. He never said that he didn't like homosexuals as people, he only said that he didn't like that sin. This statement was taken way out of proportion and he was punished for just answering the question. Sometimes it seems that people can't express their beliefs anymore or they will be hunted down and punished. And much like a "witch", things they do and say are taken way out of proportion. It sucks to know that someone can be so judgmental towards others for believing something else and then go about harassing that person. It makes me sick to my stomach honestly.


  1. I agree with your post. It makes me sick how the kind hearted man just voiced his beliefs and he was persecuted for it. I feel so bad for him and his family. He was just sticking to his beliefs and in this day and age you would think that you could do that and not run into a problem. Why can't we come to an age of tolerance?

  2. This is a great example of a modern day witch hunt. I agree that its so sick for people to be so judgmental. I find it so interesting that so many people that loved the show were so quickly to turn against it just because of what the media was making Phil's remark out to be. Christianity is most defiantly seems to becoming a belief that people are being punished for, so as a lot of religions. I believe people need to give in a little and not be so quick to put down other beliefs.

  3. I love this example. Personally I am a big fan of Duck Dynasty and Phil Robertson. It was crazy to watch as the Robertson family got victimized to social media just because of one opinion. I personally think that everyone is right to their own opinion and just because you don't agree with one thought, there is no reason for the out rage that Phil got.
