Thursday, November 13, 2014

Socially Censored

I believe that the whole push for being politically correct is a perfect example of a modern witch hunt.  I say this because it seems that whenever a statement, T.V. show, or something to that like has any content that could be considered “offensive” to anyone or any group of people, it seems as though they are forced to make an apology.  Which, don’t get me wrong, I understand the fact that we shouldn’t just go around insulting every Tom, Dick and Harry that we come across, however if done in the right context, “questionable” humor has its time and place.  This is very similar to the McCarthyism that was present during the 1950s during the Red Scare, and that was ultimately a witch hunt for all things communism.  It really goes to show that society, no matter how far we’ve come, have so much more to go with regards to letting something (such as a certain ideology) not overtake our fears and take them out on the rest of society as a result of said paranoia.  It’s obviously not all the same as The Crucible in any direct correlation.  I say this more or less because there are no actual witch hunts in the present, and people aren’t generally going to such extremes, as in they aren’t physically harming people who may have said something that viewed as not politically correct.  This is still a figurative witch hunt as people can lose their respective jobs and can be wrung out by their peers simply for making a comment that some view as offensive. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with that we do make others if they have done "wrong" in our eyes that they need to do something to make it better in a way. People from all over have loss their jobs and homes because of how they view something compared to others beliefs. Even though it is not the length of what they did in the witch hunts it is still very wrong for someone to loss a job just cause they feel they can say how they feel in this society and to be apart of it as well.
