One modern day witch hunt that I can think of was
the story of Edward Snowden. As some of you may know, Edward Snowden used to be
a subcontractor for the National Security Agency. Snowden collected information
from the NSA about surveillance in 2013 and leaked them to journalists in Hong
Kong, China. He was charged with violating the espionage act and theft. There are
different opinions about what Snowden did. Some felt that what he did was
completely wrong and others are thankful for outing the NSA for what they were
doing. Those working in the intelligence services saw Snowden as a threat so
much as to threaten his life. Snowden changed the way people saw and trusted
the government. Snowden is the target of those whose information he leaked.
Edward Snowden tried to make America see what the government was doing with the
information they thought were supposed to be private and Snowden thinks what he
did helped the NSA. Snowden no longer lives in the United States and if he does
go back he would have to face the charges that were brought up against him. Snowden
is similar to John Proctor in a way that both were set out to seek the truth,
although the ways they went about it were different. John Proctor and Edward
Snowden are different in a way because Proctor paid for his deceitfulness but
Snowden has not faced his charges and is just living outside of the US. Of
course a reason for this could be because it was a different time.
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