Friday, November 7, 2014

Fantasy vs Reality

Why do  people relate to stories set in fantasy worlds that have no immediate connection to real life? The answer to this questions is because they do. I am speaking as someone who is an avid gamer and an avid reader of all things. I know that when you look at it you really can't see an immediate connection to real life but think about for a minute, just have a bad day with at work? Facing your boss can feel like facing Darth Vadar. Its very comparable depending on how terrible your boss or supervisor is. We watch or read or play things that have no basis in reality but it does because there are things that are always going to be connected. Facing your nemsis (your boss), setting out on a long journey (college or training for a new job), hiking through the woods (hiking to a new realm!). We use these movies, games, and books to break up the monotony of day to day life and help deal with the stress. To make our lives more exciting. Some people do this by creating drama in their lives, doing drugs, drinking, while some of us use fiction, because we feel that we have kindred spirits with the characters. I have to agree with another class mate and say that most of the time reality does indeed suck. So why not use fantasy to spice things up?


  1. I really liked how you said that it breaks up the monotony of our daily life. Because it honestly does. Not having my brain wander off into a different life would make my life a hundred times more boring. I am constantly day dreaming and I constantly stare off into space even when people are talking to me. It may be undiagnosed ADD, me being really rude, or me just not wanting to be in the current situation. I'd much rather live a different better life. Not saying that my life is awful. It's really not cause I got an amazing family who I would never trade and a pretty awesome boyfriend. But imagining that my life could be slightly less boring and being a hero in an amazing situation sounds much more interesting than sitting through a class.

  2. I fondly remember my early days playing Atari and working up to Super Mario 3 on NES. It is stunning how far the gaming industry has come and the ease of falling into these virtual realities. I also struggled with alcohol several years ago. I have to wonder if this need for escaping reality is mostly a youthful thing. These past few years I have become much more interested in my reality as I am getting older.
