Friday, November 7, 2014

The Perfect Outlet

I think people relate to stories set in fantasy worlds for a number of different reasons. The first for me would probably just for a simple distraction. I know when I may get a little stressed over something one of the most beneficial things for me to do to unwind is watch something set in a fantasy world. It is easy for us to relate our lives to something happening on TV or even in a book we read and sometimes that’s super helpful. The next reason would be that maybe there is something about that fantasy world we wish to have in our own world. We know in the back of our minds it’s not realistic but think maybe someday our life could be that magical and eventful. I also think fantasy books and movies are a great way to relax and get away from our daily stressors. We as humans are always so busy and always looking for the next thing to do. This is a way that people can just step away from their real life and enjoy something that doesn’t make them think about their daily activities or drama. Star Wars could be a great outlet for someone to do just that. Personally, it wasn’t really something that I was interested in but maybe someone looking for something like that could enjoy it more frequently. Fantasy type movies or books are one of the best ways to temporarily get away from our everyday life and I believe people use them for these things probably more often than we think.

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