Friday, November 7, 2014

A Welcome Escape

While watching a movie, who doesn’t get lost in the storyline and even consider themselves a character in the movie?  I know I have on more than one occasion.  The hour or two that I am watching the movie or reading a good book is a chance for me to shut my brain down and not have to think about the pressures of being an adult now with adult responsibilities.  It takes me back to a time when I was a child and the future was ahead of me and I could be whatever I wanted to be.  I could be a dancer, an astronaut, a movie star or maybe even a singer.  All I have to do is sit back and enjoy the story that is unfolding in front of me. 

  Real life is definitely a harsher reality than the make believe worlds my sister and I would pretend to live in growing up.  I think this is why people tend to relate to stories or movies that are set in a fictional world.  For just a little while, we can escape our duties and responsibilities of being an adult and just remember what it was like to have fun.  While watching the movie or reading the book we can just be a bystander in someone else’s reality for a little while.  We can sit back and watch how the important decisions are made and the outcomes of those decisions with out any consequences to us.  We know that if a mistake or a bad judgment call is made that everything will work out in the end.  There is usually a happy ending in a fantasy story but that isn’t always the case in real life. 


  1. I also believe fantasy is a welcome respite. Pressure can build up from day to day duties, so a little winding down in a fantasy world isn't a bad deal. That is true though, many fantasy stories do work out in the end for the better. I feel like that is one of the main ideas behind why fantasy can be so appealing. In fantasy stories or movies the good guy wins almost all the time, whereas in real life there seems to be more of a 50/50 chance that good prevails.

  2. I completely agree with your first comments when you state that it’s easy to get pulled into a storyline. Also, I think it’s very easy to envision yourself as the character in the movie, as I have had similar experiences myself. Fantasy is exactly what you say it is, an escape from the realities one has to deal with every day. I think one allows themselves to get pulled into story lines to enjoy the story and not be caught up with thinking about 7 other, for these fantasy stories are one of the rare times one can just be in the moment.

  3. One thing I enjoy doing when in a good story is stopping and evaluating what it is that I’m see what may happen in the end and in a way makes me feel even more a part of the story as it unfolds. Another things that’s fun is I find myself we watching movies and hoping that the conflict that happened would happen and the story would change or I try to think of alternative to it. The fantasy realm is some much more fun. But I won’t count out the little joys from the real world that I’m sure we all have in our hearts.

  4. I often look at my nieces and nephews who are toddlers and flashback to my youth. I have to laugh when they complain about certain things and wish I could let them know how great things are for them at their age. I greatly miss those days when the future carried so much potential. The 80s and 90s were a pretty good time for kids, I hope they have as good a time as I had.
