Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Potter in us All

As I have read through Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (admittedly for the first time in my life), I have found a theme in the book and the main character that resonates with me on a very spiritual level. While the story is very fun, and as I have heard evolves to get even better, I seem to be able to almost connect to the character of Harry Potter as a person rather than as a young wizard living in an imaginary world. He is someone who great things are expected of even when he himself may not be aware of the weight of it all. I myself can remember a time when I wasn't sure as to why my parent's wanted me to do good in school besides the obvious of while you are there you are expected to do well. The history of my family, one that boasts no college graduates, could be drastically changed by my actions. While my parents set the stage for my success by working hard and providing an environment which I could reach this goal it was of my understanding that it was a responsibility that was up to me to achieve something, even when I wasn't very sure of what that was.
The themes from reading Quiet also show itself as a link to my life through this book. When Harry first arrives at the school he is a bit of an introvert. AS the main character you can see that is expected of him to take the mantle of a leader and someone who takes care of others, but his personality at the time doesn not seem akin to someone who would be conventionally looked upon to do so. The phrase "it takes all kinds of people" rings true as this small, confused young man begins his quest on a maturity to something that doesn't seem native to him at first.


  1. I like how you linked your own life through the Potter tale. I too have read Potter for the first time. I had a goofy acquaintance boast how he bought the first book when it came out years ago and from that point I wanted none of it. I've come to really enjoy the read thus far. But back to you, it must be quite the feeling to carry the torch for your family as you mentioned. Being the first in anything always seems to carry a good degree of apprehension, but to be the banner holder for the family tree, much like Harry, must be a unique feeling in itself. It does take all kinds of people, and like the book Quiet, it appears those with the most unique gifts to give, are commonly deep thinking introverts like Harry and yourself. Nice post Matthew.

  2. Very nice post. Harry had to discover much about the wizarding world on his own, much like I am sure you have had to figure out college ins and outs by yourself. It is not easy and sometimes you feel that you have no one to go to for answers as you investigate this new landscape. Its empowering but at the same time quite frightening. You should hold your head high and be very proud of yourself for what you are doing.

  3. Reading your story reminds me a ton of my journey through school thus far. It's nearly identical! Always being expected to do well "just because"; but it makes sense for sure. It was to put us on the right track and be the first graduate in the family. It is interesting to see how Harry is viewed by those who know his potential, while he just remains his shy, quiet self.
