Friday, September 5, 2014

Platform 9 3/4

Harry potter is the main character of “harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone” and a brilliant character at that.  Harry is definitely one of my favorite characters in any book.  He was raised by a snobby family with a spoiled rotten son.
The scene I chose to close read is the scene where enters platform nine and three quarters.  The scene starts off with the Dudleys dropping harry off at the train station believing that there is no platform nine and three quarters and leaving while laughing all the while.   This shows that the family who raised him didn’t give a hoot about him.  They could have cared less what happened to him after that in my opinion. 
Next Harry finds some fellow wizards entering the mysterious platform and asks how to proceed to platform nine and three quarters.  Harry acquired the knowledge of how to board the train by first, watching uncertainly as some wizards broke the plane onto the platform and second, approaching complete strangers and asking for help.

This was a simple scene but I thought it really was a great example of how Harry acquires knowledge. 

1 comment:

  1. Matthew,
    Great post and scene! I have read the book and seen the movie a million times! I love all the Harry Potter books and movies. They are a joy to watch. I certainly do remember this scene. As I was reading it, at first I thought that Hagrid had taken Harry to the train station to get onto the platform. However, I had to go back to the scene in the book and the Dursley's did take him to the station. When Harry couldn't find it, he did see other wizards going through the wall and asked for help. I agree that he did aquire quite a bit of knowledge from this scene. Knowing how to get onto the platform by "running" into the wall I should say, and also learning that it was Ron Weasley's first year as well, so he was learning to go onto the platform, too. This was a great scene on how Harry aquired the knowledge to get onto the platform. Great job, Matthew!
