One of the most interesting themes I have discovered this semester is personal integrity. In essence, integrity is honesty and truthfulness to a certain principle or person. Reading Quiet, this was a very integral part in the purpose of the book. Many people overlook their personal needs, wants and selves to help others or work in an opposing society. Being an introvert, I never really realized how much I have changed myself to adapt to an extroverted society. Some may see this as a positive, but in reality I had to change myself for a set ideal. The same goes for Harry Potter. He was able to adapt his personal integrity by opposing peer pressure and doing what was right for him (unlike many others).
I know that sometimes I tend to allow others to take advantage of me, and I can handle it most of the time; however, there are certain points in my life where I have to show integrity to myself by saying no. I suppose this can be my neurotic end of my personality. In psychology, there are two extremes to personality, and they are neurosis and psychosis. A true neurotic is usually anxious and worries about others, while a psychotic tends to dwell of preserving himself. The goal with personal integrity is to find a balance between the two; neither is good, so balance is key. When helping others, I always try to make sure that I can be fully committed, I am useful to the project, and I am comfortable. This helps in balancing the two and keeping my personal integrity.
I like how you related your life to both books that we have red so far. I agree with you on being an introvert in an extroverted world. I feel that I had to change myself when I came up to school to be able “to fit in” better. I’m not one for needing to be in the “in crowd” but I have found myself having to think before I act sometimes to keep my own personal integrity and it is sad to me when I see other people not keeping it and then they are not true to themselves and Harry Potter certainly kept true to himself.