Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Positives with Social Networking

                Social networking has affected the way people express their intimacy with one another. Many people focus on the bad ways that social networking has affected people, such as blaming different social networking sites for the actions of their unfaithful partners and an increase in divorce rates. Not all of the ways social networking has affected people are bad.

                Social networking has provided us with websites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to help us connect with our friends and family. Many friendships have rekindled with these social networking websites because friends who has lost touch can now reconnect. These websites would also be able to exchange more personal information such telephone numbers or an address as another way of continuing to keep in touch after finding one another again. Your friends and family can also be able to see what you update and how you’re doing in life at that moment. It keeps them informed and in a way, still connected to you. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter aren’t the only social networking that has affected the way people express their intimacy, dating websites have also became quite popular. Dating websites such as eHarmony, Match.com, and Christian Mingle have helped millions of individuals find their intimacy with a partner for life. Many have found love and others have been able to make connections with people who have become lifelong friends. Social networking hasn’t stopped there either. Social networking has also transferred in Apps to our Smartphones. Now, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, eHarmony, and hundreds of other social networking websites are just a click away! Having all of these websites as an app on our smartphones has increased the ability to be able to connect with people at all times. If someone didn’t have a cellphone, someone could easily get ahold of them through their Facebook app on their cellphone. People everywhere can have all access to all social networking websites that they choose. They are always able to stay connected with their friends and family members and increase their intimacy with whoever they want, whenever they want.  


  1. I agree with your post completely. Most people focus on the negative aspects of social networking, when really it has just as many positive attributes to every day life. I personally think that each of these sites are helpful in keeping in contact with friends who have moved away after high school or even college for that matter. This hits home for me because my best friend is away at basic training school and I haven't been able to see her since July. She is able to contact me through social networking sites so that we can update one another on what is going on in our lives. I am not saying that there are not some negative cases to social networking, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives on all cases. I really agree with your post!

  2. In full agreement Michelle. I thought these social mediums were pretty cool at first, but then I started to hate how people would traps off into their little dark caves of MySpace, etc. I am a big people person and love to talk, but noticed that I wasn't being able to find time with people anymore as they had to go home and blog or whatever.

    But as time went on I found that I have reunited with friends from literally 20 years past, who I would otherwise never find. It has allowed for fast communication between buddies, family, and acquaintances from all over the world. Now I cannot imagine my life without this kind of instant connection, especially for those so far away.

  3. Social media does indeed make temptation far greater to cheat on one's spouse or significant other. But it also might make it easier to catch a cheater red handed when they were always going to be that way. At the end of the day, there is no undoing all these innovations. We have to find a healthy way to adapt.
