In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling, the main character Harry lives with his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and their son, Dudley. The son is a spoiled rotten child that has grown up with no discipline. Although, Dudley's character is portrayed as a big, stupid, bully, he is actually quite cunning. His parents have done everything possible to please their "baby angel."
One particular scene where Dudley demonstrates his control over his blind parents, is on his birthday. Harry had already been rudely awakened, and forced to make breakfast for the family. The table was so full of presents that he couldn't even set the table. The birthday boy was not even happy when he noticed he only had thirty-six presents, which was two less then the previous year. When his expression changed and he started to turn red, they all knew a tantrum was about to begin. His mom tried to calm him down by explaining that he had forgotten to count the one form his Aunt and that they would buy him two more later on in the day. Dudley was not satisfied but he settled for it. A few moments later after receiving a phone call, Petunia had announced that Harry would have to betaken with them to the zoo. Dudley did not start crying but he contorted his face and started whining that he didn't want Harry to go. As he was working his parents' emotions he gave Harry a nasty smile, because he knew his parents would give him what he wanted. They attempted to think of all other possible solutions but were left with their hands tied.
Dudley's cunning and quarrelsome personality allows him to control his parents. They encourage his bad behavior and do not punish him. They all verbally and emotionally abused Harry but they also encourage Dudley to physically abuse him. His parents do not like upsetting their son but they hate Harry more. Dudley has his parents wrapped around his finger and this allows him to have control of his life.
J.K. Rowling did such a great job getting us to hate Dudley so very much. There are countless ways we are shown he is a selfish and spoiled brat! I remember years and years ago feeling that rise of anger and annoyance reading this part in the book, how dare he count those presents! There is not an ounce of gratitude in his countenance as he demands more from the 2 people who raised him to be just what he was. It is their fault, they encourage his behavior.
ReplyDeleteI think that Dudley is spoiled and seemingly dumb, but you’re right he is quite clever. Plus he does have some nerve keeping track of how many presents he had received for his last birthday. I think this is a great example of how Dudley, at this point in his life knows how to manipulate his parents. The fact that he doesn’t ever get punished for acting like a brat for lack of a better term. Since Harry isn’t Dudley’s sibling I believe he has no chance living in this environment; you’re correct in saying that Dudley has complete control of his own life, at the same time his parents don’t stop him.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything you said in the post! I myself cannot stand him. I believe he uses his intelligence to get what he wants as you said but at the cost of others. He doesn't really care what others want to do or how others feel. He is only worried about himself, he is a selfish character. In my opinion I don't think that the parents should hate Harry more because he rarely does anything but they might be brainwashed by their son. Their son does a great job at manipulating them.