Friday, October 31, 2014

Know It All

The part of human nature that makes us want to discover the unknown is very simple...we want to know everything. Everybody has an extreme thirst for knowledge in one field or another and they will go out of their ways to learn about something that interests them. For some, this is learning an instrument or skill. But, for others, that is discovering ways to better human life and to explore worlds beyond our own.

This desire to learn everything we can about the world around us has completely shaped civilization as a whole. That thirst for knowledge and discovery gave us mathematics, architecture, science, war, peace, and anything else you can think of. As for venturing into the unknown, if explorers had not sailed the ocean in the attempts to find other lands, there is a chance that many civilizations would have died out. Finding other cultures around the world led to trade, expansion, and knowledge.

I also believe a small part of our human nature that drives discovery is hope. Hope that there is more life out there and answers to problems that we cannot solve yet. As long as we continue to thirst for knowledge and always hope to discover more, civilization will continue to grow and thrive. If we manage to find life on other planets, there is a chance that we will be introduced to technologies that could revolutionize life as we know it. We could learn cures to diseases, methods to protect our ever dwindling natural resources, and maybe one day we will find other planets that we can expand to in order to help with overpopulation. The possibilities are endless as to what is out there in the massive unknown universe, and although I may not live to see these amazing discoveries, I am excited for the day somebody makes them.

Human Curiosity

As human beings, we are naturally curious creatures with an essential function that just makes us want to gather more and more information about things we don't know much about. During the life cycle of a human we continuously gather more information and constantly learn various things which is precedent to our future. I think the main thing about the human nature that makes us want to venture into unknown waters is just the constant thirst to learn and expand. The perfect example of this is horror movies, no matter how many people have died when a character hears a noise, instead of them getting out of dodge they go and explore to see where the noise has come from, which ultimately leads to their demise. By humans being so intrigued by gathering new information i think it has enhanced our civilization drastically. In the development of our civilization the curiosity factor and the thirst to find out new things, there has been a lot of theories tested which led to major breakthroughs which advanced our civilization in important ways. In the future i feel our civilization will continue to grow because of the curiosity aspect. People will constantly want to push the limits of things just to see how far they can go and this will lead to major advancements such as hover cars, as opposed to many other things. So in conclusion the curiosity of the human nature to gather more information and to explore the unknown, our civilization will just become more advanced as well as have many major breakthroughs heading into the future.


I believe that as humans we always want more. We have to know everything possible or try to know everything. Even when we know something is a secret we still deep down want to know. It irritates us not knowing. I think thus far human curiousity is a normal thing psychologically bit I feel that right now it is getting worse. I think that our curiousity is taking a bad turn. We are constantly trying to keep up with the Jones. We want in on every detail and the access is at our fingertips. I think that with the increase in technology overtime curiousity will get worse and worse because we will keep digging into social media instead of letting it go. I think that sometimes going into the unknown can be a good thing in example space. exploring the unknown and answering our curiousity can help us solve problems we never knew before about the mysteries of science.

Thirst for knowledge ...

   I think the main part of human nature that makes us want to venture is something called curiosity, I prefer the phrase “thirst for knowledge”. Most people would generalize and say it’s being nosy, but is wanting to learn on a never ending basis being nosy really? If we stop learning where does that leave our development? I’m going to venture to say that leaves us with no development but very stagnant. I don’t think we as a society have ever claimed to be stagnant.  
    The thirst for knowledge has led to so many new things, the one thing that comes to mind is us being able to take this class is this format. Someone’s’ plan out curiosity/ thirst for knowledge help create the technology to be able use the internet, then email. The development of many great things have been created from our thirst for knowledge starting way back in ancient times. Mayans with their water management system, Egypt for the work they have created with marble, and limestone. Each civilization from our past has only ever showed improvement, always pushing the envelope. We are taught from a young age to never put limitations on what we learn or how to learn it, always told to push the limits. Limits are put on situations that truly can’t be improved. How many things, objects, situations had true limits besides death or harm to another human being… We as a society set limits but limits in something situations are meant to be tested.

The Unknown

We are all born into this world for a reason. A lot of us fear the unknown, something happens when you least expect it. You never know what could happen, that's why it is called the unknown. We are all curious about a lot that goes on this world today. Things that are happening that you didn't expect to happen. For example, if there is something in a box that you know nothing about, it really triggers your curiosity to find out what is in that box. Or, say if there is a family secret that you don't know about, you feel like you need to know what the secret is so that you can keep up with everyone else and what everyone else is saying- the unknown secret. I feel that friends can never really keep a secret or surprise you very well because their curiosity is eating at them, and they want to know what you might be hiding. However, technology on the other hand, is a totally different thing. Now, there is the new iPhone 6 that is out, and I am sure that almost everyone in the universe has that phone right now. They want to face the unknown new technology and be brought up to speed on the new stuff. People are always so anxious for new types of technology to come out because they don't know what to expect from it. Facing the unknown in the future, it can be scary but, we all have to face it sometime, right? A lot of people that are in the universe right now are always really curious about everything that goes on. New technology, the latest gossip, the newest food items at a restaurant, etc. In all honesty, I feel that a lot of people in this world today are way too curious about things. They just don't like to be out of the loop on anything. They would do anything to get their hands on the technology, gossip, food, etc. Also, some people could really care less about what's going on in the universe today. They won't care about a new phone, or what gossip is spreading. If humans are always curious about everything that's going on, it can lead to a better education for them. They can learn something new, and live a happier, better life because of it.

Curosity Killed the Cat

I believe that we are natural born creatures of wanting to know the unknown. If we do not ask questions we never learn anything. Th2e world is filled with many different parts to it and without asking questions we are left in the dark. For example if you knew that something was behind a door good or bad why do we ponder should we look behind it. In most cases we always do , I believe that it is because we believe if we do not know what it is we are left out of a loop. Everyone wants to be brought up to speed for what could be the unknown, everyone also wants to feel included. Friends can never keep a secret or a surprise from the other because the person is so curious and persistent to figure out what you are hiding. When new technology comes out everyone is so anxious to be the first to have it and be brought up to speed with the latest technology everyone waits and waits for new ones because they are excited for the unknown new device that is coming out. People in this universe are curious about everything, technology, gossip, food, etc. No one wants to feel like they are left out of anything. Some humans are more curious than others, some do not care to know what is going on while others are so persistent in finding things out. If humans are not just a little bit curious we will continue living our basic lives, but having some curiosity can also further your education in learning new things and becoming someone better and living a better life.

Space Exploration

          Early man quickly pushed past his borders from Africa into both Europe and Asia. While initially forced out of necessity, following animal herds for food and fleeing danger, these earliest civilizations spread quickly across the continents. Early Asian settlers took to the sea and populated many of the Polynesian Islands. The barbarians which toppled the Roman Empire swept down from the Caucus Mountains in a mass migration, and Vikings probed the eastern boundaries of North America centuries before Columbus. The common denominator is the very fundamental human nature of exploration.
          We have always been inquisitive creatures. Our global exploration has only been hindered by our technological expertise. As we advanced our technology, uncharted areas continued to be eagerly explored.  Even the harshest areas of the world, Antarctica, the Himalayas and the most remote islands were mapped out by scientists and adventurers.  But we were still left with the greatest unknown, that of our rarefied heavenly ether.
           In order to explore the cosmos, massive technological knowledge is required. Space travel tests the limits of our human brains. It forces us to innovate, and innovate we have. We have deployed armies of scientists to land men on the moon. We accomplished this just decades after we first achieved manned flight. Technology continues to transform society at a breakneck pace. So what does our future hold?
           In all likelihood, we will put a man on Mars within a decade or two. Once long distance spaceflights become common, the vastness of our universe awaits. Our nature guarantees that we will continuously push up against those boundaries. Our civilization will no longer be constrained by our home planet. Our modern day Magellan's will continue to risk their lives to map out every uncharted corner of the cosmological map. Our human spirit demands nothing less.