Thursday, October 16, 2014

No Longer the Big Fish in the Small Universe

I find it to be very sad that Earth is the only planet in our solar system to have life. No other planet can have what we have here or anything like it. In a way I feel that’s one reason for why we strive for space. The fact that we are the only life in the Universe is just too far-fetched that we wanted to prove that we are wrong. In all honesty I am not really sure how to describe the universe and what is exactly in it. The main reason: there is so little of the Universe that I have been able to see. With the limited amount of funding and technology that we currently have there is no way to know what exactly is out there. We are such a tiny part of our own galaxy which in part could very well be a small part if the entire universe. I can comprehend our helplessness about it but in reality I can’t. There is so much unanswered that I can’t make an observation. Don’t get me wrong I love space and everything about it, but in true honesty, if we can find other forms of life sometime in the next centuries it could very well throw religion out the door. It could give way to all the conflict cause because of religion and in a way the Earth is like a small living compartment like the astronauts were put into for Packing for Mars. We are all getting cramped in this living space and we need to find another way out. The way out is in space but sadly if feel I won’t live long enough to see the edge of the universe. Or maybe they will find a way to sustain my life till then. The future holds so many mysteries. But I’ll just keep staring at the stars and maybe someday I will greet them  

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