Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Not for our generation

          This is a very interesting topic that I have never thought about. I have always found space and people who go up to space intriguing because of the extraordinary magical sights that one can see. But to think of two people having sex up in space is just one stop above. I was confused why sex in space would even be a subject, but once it explained that the possibilities are endless because we are going to have human life forms on other planets. When the video started to discuss how one day humans could disappear just like the dinosaurs did was creepy, but it helped me open my eyes a little more. I am glad that scientist have been doing studies and testing the possibilities of sex in space because we need another planet where human life is possible. There will come a day that the human race is no longer on planet Earth, then what happens? No more human race? No, we need to create human life somewhere else. When scientist did studies on rats having babies in space it was crazy to hear that the rats did not have a successful birth, their skulls were cracked and the babies was not a 100% healthy. If rats are not able to create a healthy baby, why test it on a human? This makes me nervous for the baby that is used for this experiment, if it is a success, that is great, but it is not I feel like the mom has to go through a lot of therapy because of that pain of losing a child.  The first step is obviously being able to have sex up in space, let alone be able to kiss. When I first heard about this experiment, I was not sold on it and wondered why tax payers money may go to this experiment. However, after watching the video I realized that we can't be selfish and we have to realize that this is not for our generation, but for generations to come, when there is no other choice. In saying this part of me thinks that NASA does not having to listen to public opinion, how many people believed that we could never step on the moon and we shouldn't waste, time, effort, or money on it? This is just the next step in the right direction that is needed if we as public agree or not. Scientist are smart people and probably wouldn't do an experiment if it was pointless.


  1. I agree with you that sex would be the last thing on my mind when it comes to space exploration. Hell, I would be worried how grown adults were going to survive long-term in space and what hazards it would cause for them. Then you must figure if they are thinking extra terrestrial colonization there is a load of things we have not figured out about this. Sex can wait, there are more pertinent things to consider. As for children, if rats cannot successfully produce offspring in space then it would seem a human would be near impossible as we are far more complex and no human life deserves to be an experiment. Why don't we instead put our money towards developing sustainable life outside of Earth, develop a way of life instead of worrying about how to create human life or have a little fun. Let the astronauts have their fun, they are only human, but there needs to be no risk of pregnancy.

  2. I agree with your overall statement but you should consider a little more. Yes I feel that this is planning of the next generations to have a foot hold in the race to colonize but you can’t think that science is about doing what is necessary. The most common definition of science is to ask question and try to solve the answers. Not all science is done be critical. In fact there is a vast majority of pointless science that had to be done order to determine what we already know today. Sometimes you have to take a risk a make a mistake so you can learn from it, even at the cost of casualties. Take a look at all the surgical forms we have today in the medical world. Who knows how many people gave up their lives at the expense of medical science. It’s good and bad but necessary.
