I think the main part of human nature that makes us want to
venture is something called curiosity, I prefer the phrase “thirst for
knowledge”. Most people would generalize and say it’s being nosy, but is
wanting to learn on a never ending basis being nosy really? If we stop
learning where does that leave our development? I’m going to venture to say
that leaves us with no development but very stagnant. I don’t think we as a
society have ever claimed to be stagnant.
The thirst for knowledge has led to so many new things, the
one thing that comes to mind is us being able to take this class is this format.
Someone’s’ plan out curiosity/ thirst for knowledge help create the technology
to be able use the internet, then email. The development of many great things
have been created from our thirst for knowledge starting way back in ancient
times. Mayans with their water management system, Egypt for the work they have
created with marble, and limestone. Each civilization from our past has only
ever showed improvement, always pushing the envelope. We are taught from a
young age to never put limitations on what we learn or how to learn it, always
told to push the limits. Limits are put on situations that truly can’t be
improved. How many things, objects, situations had true limits besides death or
harm to another human being… We as a society set limits but limits in something
situations are meant to be tested.
It is crazy to think that if people would always put limitations on their learning and research and just were contempt with the world working the way it does with no explanation, that we may never have known about some of the most simple parts of our universe. We may have never discovered mathematics, gravity, energy, chemistry, architecture, religion, government, etc. Civilization as a whole has been shaped by this thirst for knowledge, and it is exciting knowing that the possibilities of what we can discover are endless.