I believe that as humans we always want more. We have to know everything possible or try to know everything. Even when we know something is a secret we still deep down want to know. It irritates us not knowing. I think thus far human curiousity is a normal thing psychologically bit I feel that right now it is getting worse. I think that our curiousity is taking a bad turn. We are constantly trying to keep up with the Jones. We want in on every detail and the access is at our fingertips. I think that with the increase in technology overtime curiousity will get worse and worse because we will keep digging into social media instead of letting it go. I think that sometimes going into the unknown can be a good thing in example space. exploring the unknown and answering our curiousity can help us solve problems we never knew before about the mysteries of science.
I totally agree as humans we are never satisfied and always have a hunger for more and i believe this is why we constantly want to explore the unknown great post