Friday, October 31, 2014

The need for curiosity

For as long as there have been humans on Earth there has been curiosity. We as humans always want to know more because we are a noisy species. Without us being noisy or curious we would not be where we are today. We would be living in the cave man era where we knew nothing. There would be no education, technology of any kind, or even simple things like clothes. Without us wanting to evolve and learn new things and be better than we were before we would not have come as far as we have. Wanting to know more and being curious about everything has certainly influenced our civilization. I think that we will keep in developing new ways to do everything and eventually they will find a way to have babies in space and has a civilization on Mars. It won’t happen anytime soon but they will keep working on it until they figure out a way to make it happen. With the education in today’s day and age we as a species will accomplish anything `we set our mind to. It may take some time but if we want it enough it will happen. I think that even though we as the human species can always evolve and have new ideas, we will always want to know more about what is out there. Because Earth is only so big, they want our species to survive and by going to another planet we can still live. Yet we will have to change and evolve like we have done in the past to get to where we want to be. 


  1. I really enjoyed your title. In fact, it sparked a very relatable topic in my head. We are currently exploring Mars. While this is certainly a huge step for us (seriously, sit back and think about it for a second), it is part of what we have always done as humans. What is the reason that we as humans can make this new huge step? The answer is Curiosity. No, that is not a typo. Curiosity is actually the name of the rover on Mars. I personally cannot think of a more fitting name for something that allows us to explore the unknown!

  2. I agree that we are always evolving and finding new things because of our curiosity for new places to explore and find. I think that is what keeps us strong and independent.

  3. I agree no mater what humans will be curious and without that spark to learn more we would not be where we are today! I agree that we will eventually make it possible to live in space, we as human have that drive to find out the unknown and if we don't we feel like we have nothing to live for. Thanks for your post!

  4. Amanda,
    I enjoyed your post and I agree with you completely! I believe that the need for curiosity is what drives humans to increase their knowledge. I believe that humans crave for the attention and love the feeling of accomplishing something important. Everyone loves the feeling of doing something good that helps out the world. If we didn't have the drive to find things out and explore the unknown we wouldn't have everything we have today.

  5. I agree with this because you are right. I myself am a very noisy/ curious person, I do not like being left out of something. I believe that this is good and bad. I am very anxious to learn new things in life that can make my knowledge grow even more.I like to explore new things and find out what certain things do. I like to further my knowledge and also help others to grow as a whole.

  6. Funny you choose the word Curiosity, I was actually think that when I read the prompt a in the beginning of the week when she first posted it. I do think we have a lot to thank to our curious nature as human beings.
