Thursday, October 16, 2014

"To infinity and beyond"

As I've stated before, the concept of space confounds me. Space, or more specifically our own universe is a concept that we know much too little about.  The universe in my eyes is a set of infinite space that holds many mysteries and possibly many other worlds.  Come on, we can't possibly believe we are the only living organisms in an infinite amount of space.  Yes, the universe is awe inspiring and I am sure it is amazing to see our tiny little world from space.  However, the fear of the unknown is what gets to me.  Are there parallel worlds to ours out there?  Our galaxy contains many other planets, that which we know very little about.  Yet, there are other galaxies that contain what?  There is too little known about our universe.  We are destroying our part in this universe and now searching for other options?  Is the human race really even an integral part of the universe or are we the only part of the universe that matters? 
     My description of the universe is pretty simple.  The universe, is at this point, what we have discovered about it.  It is an awe inspiring concept that has its own beauty but is frightening in the sense we do not really have a definition for the universe because we are such a small part of it.  From what I've learned about space travel and preparation in the book Packing for Mars by Mary Roach the universe holds many mysteries but an amazing sense of freedom.  The universe is a weightless void that is a beautiful scene but very deadly.  It should be respected and feared but also admired.


  1. I really like your outlook on the universe, I agree with you that it is very confusing and full of mysteries. There is much more out there then we are aware of. It does give us an uneasy feeling that frightens us.

  2. I agree, the fear of the unknown is why I think the concept of the universe is so hard to comprehend. What you said about the universe being beautiful but deadly, really hits the nail on the head. Its a scary place of unknown, but sometimes the unknown is what makes it so beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post!

  3. I agree as well that the universe is full of mysteries. i also believe that we are not the only people living in this vast amount of space. there has to be more out there that we havent discovered yet and hopefully we are able to one day discover more and get a better understanding of this place we call home.
