Friday, October 24, 2014

Spacey Sex: Worth the Investment

Personally, I do not believe that the general public’s opinion should be gauged when it comes to science.  Scientists have went to school to study and specialize in whatever their respective field of study is.  In NASA there are psychologists present to determine what people could be astronauts.  In that same vein, they also might come up with prospective experiments to perform in space.  One of these ideas proposed has been for astronauts to have sex whilst in space.  I believe that this is an idea worth exploring, if not just to see if it has any different of an effect on the human mind.  NASA could make their astronauts hook up neurotransmitter receivers to their heads before they have sex in order measure the potential psychological effect of having sex in space.  I think we should explore space in many ways, and should not be limited in any way.  While this may be “controversial” research, that is not any reason for it not to be studied.  We, as humans should value exploration of our limits and in space we must find out what is ultimately possible for us to do.  The price is the last concern that we should think about when it comes to this kind of potentially groundbreaking research.  If funding is needed it would be found in some way, shape or form.  Space exploration is far too valuable to let something like public opinion or “morals” stand in the way of finding out what we humans are truly made of.


  1. hi, i totally agree with you that public opinion should not be a main fact of limiting astronaut of doing their job. they went to school for this, therefore they should be allowed to do their job without interferon from the public. also i believe that if the public are so interesting in knowing the possibilities of life in space they should consider the idea of sex in space. there is no way life would exist in space without considering the possibility of increasing the population. you cant not increase the population in space without having sex. unless we planed on making the future generation as robots.

  2. I respectfully disagree. I think it is very easy to lack focus without any boundaries, no matter what your goal might be. Objectives need to be clearly laid out by NASA management and those scientists should be held accountable to accomplishing that task, even if they do have leeway in what they want to study. If they view it as vital, they can get Richard Branson or Elon Musk to fund them.

  3. I totally agree with you because space in the new frontier. Some people don't understand that humans are ruining earth and if it keeps at this rate we will needd to go else where. With planets being so far away, the only way we will be able to travel there is to have children in space and raise them to finish the journey. The risk is worth the reward.
