Thursday, October 23, 2014

Might As Well Do It Right

When deciding if the public’s opinion regarding the spending of tax payer dollars on sexual reproduction research is warranted, you must take into consideration the first video in The Universe series about life in space. The space program has spent several years and a sizable amount of money to research what human life would be like on Mars. They have been doing studies with contained living environments since the early nineties. Is life on Mars what the general population thinks our future entails and can agree to spend tax dollars on? I was not of voting age in the early nineties, but I don’t remember there ever being a pole of the taxpayers asking what we wanted NASA to be spending our tax dollars to research. I am sure you would get some people who would agree that life on Mars seems like a viable option. I am also sure that if they agree with that line of thinking, they never saw this series of videos. Mars is a dusty, barren environment. Those that would expect to live there would have to rely on resources from the Earth to survive. I understand the concept that we currently have “all of our eggs in one basket” as the video states. If something happened to the Earth, the human race would be extinct. For some people this concept is enough to motivate them to discover other options to ensure our survival. NASA researchers seem to be of this mindset or they would not have spent the amount of time they have on living environments and modes of transportation. Even if we are able to build these new colonies on Mars, sexual reproduction will be essential to the survival of new colonies. In my opinion the research is being conducted backwards. Instead of spending all of this money developing living environments, we should find out how we are going to maintain the species. This can only be done through reproduction. If humans cannot reproduce on Mars, all of the research will essentially be useless. If tax payers understood that the development of Mars was what their tax dollars were being spent on, they would logically want to ensure it was worthwhile by making sure reproduction was possible. Communication is sometimes the key to good research.


  1. That is a great point. I think if NASA had a poll for us to take while discussing the different options that the money will go to. I believe if NASA explains why they are studying sex in space or why we are looking to live on Mars it would help people's thoughts. I always thought we were looking into living on Mars just because it would be something different. To actually know that we are thinking about sex in space and living on other planets because we need something for the future when Earth is no longer here. NASA needs to explain their process and why they are doing things because I think they will receive a better response. Nice post!

  2. I also must agree with the fact that it doesn't hurt to just try to find ways to figure out how the public feels about allowing NASA to study sex in space. Everyone is curious where their money goes. Since NASA is funded by the public, they should release their immediate findings and updates for public viewing. However, I don't think that everyone should have a say over what NASA does. It's important for NASA to keep public opinion in mind, but also to remain mindful that not everyone is as informed and educated about the needs of certain aspects of scientific space exploration.
