Friday, October 17, 2014

The Universe

The universe is a vast area that is full of possibilities. Reading this book has made me realize that the universe is much bigger than I had originally thought. The world is made up of billions of planets and stars and people. The universe is a vast unknown abyss and we are not going to be able to ever explore the entire universe in the span of our lifetimes. No matter how much technology we improve on or make advancements with we are never going to be able to explore or understand the entire universe. The universe can also be considered what the makeup of your world is such as your life, your friends and family, your career. If we go on this aspect then my life is one giant bubble because I have so many things and changes that make up my universe. This is always changing and advancing no matter what and it’s never going to be the same from day to day. My life is a vast environment that consists of my family, my schooling, my career, and my friends. I end up putting most of my focus into my schooling and job and tend to forget about my friends and family. This can be hard because it makes it more stressful on my life to not be able to spend time where I want to. The world is going to be known as a giant infinity that is something that we are never going to understand or be able to get a handle on all of it. 

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