Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sex in Space

     Do I think that the space program should be held accountable to public opinion? I feel like they should. I think it would be an interesting experiment. I do kind of agree with NASA and I feel like we shouldn’t spend all our money on this experiment, but it can be part of it. I do not feel like they should try giving birth up in space because that seems like a lot of money is going into something that can be very dangerous. Especially since a newborn did not ask for this, so it would be very hurtful if something bad happen to a baby because of a science experiment. They have to bring so much equipment up and then more a child to come down to earth they need even more equipment, I think is a bit too much. Just let a child live a normal life and stick the space explorations to the adults. I also do not like the idea if they get a third person to help with sex on space because that will be really awkward for the third person. No one even likes to be the third wheel. As Sheryl L. Bishop said they should get people that are emotionally mature, can be trained, and then you just need to trust them.  So I personally think they should give this a try, but not spend one whole experiment with it; just let it be part of another experiment.


  1. I see your point, this would take a whole lot of money and does seem a bit senseless. Kids should have a normal life on their mother planet, not grow up in a tin can floating through space. But I feel like it may eventually boil down to people doing this anyways, considering the exponential leaps in technology over the last couple decades. Not conducting research of this sort could potentially "set us back" a bit more and delay the inevitable. The third person to help with sex though, pointless and creepy. Good post Krystal.

  2. Krystal,
    I agree with you. They should be accountable for many reasons. I think reproducing in space is so dangerous and risky for someone's life. The fact that when they tried reproducing with rats and not many good things came about with it, only makes my opinion that it should not happen even stronger. I mean who would really agree to be the first human to reproduce with the chances of so many problems with the fetus could happen? I definitely would not want that burden on myself, that I gave my child so many problems growing up just for an experiment.
