Thursday, October 30, 2014

Beginning of Time

Curiosity has been with us since the beginning of time.  Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were curious about the apple.  Columbus wanted to know what was on the other side of the world so decided to steer a ship and find out.  Pioneers decided to find out what was on the other side of the continent so they got took their covered wagons and decided to go see.  There is so much that would not exist or we would know about without human beings innately being curious people.  The same can be said for space travel and exploration. 

Space is a great unknown that mankind is itching to go explore.  We want to know what is our there beyond our reach.  We can see the stars and the galaxy on a clear summer night, but then we want to get closer.  Human nature is geared towards trying to figure out what is out there.  We want to get a closer look to examine and experiment with the things that are unknown to us.  If we weren’t a curious species how would we have ever come up with the technology to explore space in the first place?  Without the curiosity to explore the unknown, we never would have known that there are enormous galaxies in space or planets that we could possibly one day live on.

Our curiosity will take us far into the future.  It will continue to shape who we are as a human race.  Our natural tendencies to explore what we don’t know will help us to continue to evolve.  There is no telling how far we can reach as long as we are curious.

1 comment:

  1. As humans I feel like we are never satisfied, we always want to go one step further if it is in life in general, work or with friendships. I feel like the same goes with the galaxy and the unknown of the world. We are not satisfied with knowing there are eight planets, a sun, moons, and stars. We want to know how different planets or inventions benefit us or how specific items work. It is great to know there are many planets, but can life be lived there? Will we be able to go there someday? We want to understand everything around us or we feel lost in the world. Our mind is always racing, I believe this is just human nature.
