Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Where Humans Go Sex Goes"

“Sex in Space” really needs to be done if it has not been yet I feel. Knowing if we can actually survive somewhere else rather than earth could be an advantage for the greater good. With all the inventions that scientists are working on like the “flight suit” or the “snuggle tunnel” all of these are things we need to know to see if it is possible for a child to be born in space. I like that they are testing first with animals before they even try with a humans to see if reproduction is even a thought. At first they tried with a fish and it worked but when they tried with rats problems occurred such as the baby when it had gravity couldn’t roll over on its back or when the male rat starting acting odd maybe from all the radiation around it in space. They know for sure though when a human is in space they lose bone, muscle, and heart mass as well it weakens the bones. Having these to consider when thinking about is something to consider when thinking about having a newborn, born in space. I feel that NASA is not considering the idea of having sex in space because they are into the “science” of space itself rather than thinking about a long term idea of the need to live in space as a community or having your honeymoon about the earth. I do feel that the public should have a say of what should be tested because throughout the generations those are the individuals who are going to experience it firsthand. Being able to know what we are going to happen rather than pretending it won’t is being nonrealistic about the universes future and the humanity.


  1. I really think the snuggle tunnel was an interesting idea. I mean who wouldn’t want that? I do not think that a child should be born in space though. I feel like it is way to dangerous and I just have this really bad feeling that something will happen. I don’t care what science tells me! I do agree with you and think it would be very interesting, but I don’t think it should be done. I agree the public should have a say because we are the ones involved and so fascinated about it. This was a really good post and you pointed out some really good points.

  2. I think your right, it should be done. The benefit of having children in space could be very beneficial, especially if mankind ever hopes to try colonizing another planet. I think birthing in space successfully would be a remarkable achievement. The public should have some kind of say, or opinion rather, but I feel like if the government really wants to then they will research it further regardless.

  3. I think the idea of sex in space is entertaining and interesting, but sex leads to conception, which in my opinion is entirely too dangerous to occur in space. If rats had so many problems with reproduction in space, then humans will be so much worse, because we are so much more complicated. I think knowingly putting human babies in danger for science is wrong. People are meant to live on Earth. Obviously if so many different alterations must be made to allow humans to be in space or on another planet, then it is not naturally meant to be. THough the inventions are neat, the situation and environment is dangerous. It is one thing for human adults to choose to go into space knowing the dangers, but it is another to have a human baby, or rat baby for that matter, be born in space unknowingly and without choosing it.

  4. The real consequence of this may never be realized though unless truly challenged. I know there have been the instances of the rats but a human birth would be different and something of its own category. Now I believe that the real use of this would be when we have established a set landing point for such and expedition. I firmly believe that even though it may not be our home planet there would be something rooted differently on stable ground rather than floating in space. I think being able to explore other regions of our galaxy and colonize them is the future, but one I feel we are a far cry away from actualizing.
