Thursday, October 23, 2014

Can We Justify This?

As long as space exploration is being funded by taxpayer dollars, the taxpayers have a right to know what their hard-earned money is being used for.  I understand their concern about the public not wanting to fund research on sex in space, but I think it is wrong to keep us in the dark about what they are really doing.  If they can justify their actions and provide the public with a rationale, I don’t see why they can’t leave this up to the public to decide?  If they give us the truth about why they want to study and experiment with human reproduction in space, then the taxpayers can make an informed decision about this issue and others related to it.  They should at least have a say in the matter.

            I understand the scientists’ concerns about the need for these kinds of studies, but I personally don’t feel like it is really worth it – based on what I know so far after watching these episodes of The Universe.  The concern that the human race on Earth will someday be wiped out is a legitimate concern, but I don’t think life on Mars is a feasible option to prevent the eradication of the human race.  In all likelihood, I think if the human race is destroyed here on Earth it will probably occur by our own doing, so instead of wasting money coming up with Plan B, maybe we should be more proactive here on Earth and work to prevent that concern from becoming reality in the first place.  Another problem with this plan is that Mars will never be Earth.  We cannot just pick up our lives here on planet Earth and move them to Mars.  Life on Mars will always be a desolate struggle for survival.  It is a kind of life that I would never want to live.  It is also virtually impossible to simply move the entire human race to Mars.  If the rationale behind this concept is to provide an alternative place for humans to live when the Earth can no longer sustain us, how do we justify leaving people behind, because we certainly can’t take all of them and squeeze them into the little colonies?  How do we decide who gets to live and who doesn’t?  Do we only take the wealthy who can pay their own way?  Do we only take those considered smart enough to be useful?  If NASA is the one working on this plan, does that mean only Americans get to go since it was our tax dollars that funded the research in the first place?  These are all questions that must be answered.  The issue of reproduction in space is just one part of an even bigger issue that must be analyzed.     


  1. I agree that we should correct what we have done to Earth, and respond to that; however, there are many different reasons why we might be eradicated. Picking the most likely option of us destroying Earth will ignore the asteroid headed straight for us. There is also some flaw in your logic about who gets to live, and who gets to die. There is this thing called the population curve. Imagine a line graph. In almost all animals, we find that their populations go in a steep incline, and then their population dips down to a plateau. This is where the population balances out, and sadly many of those animals die in the process because the environment has reached its capacity. The only living things not to have hit that cap are humans. What happens the day we reach that cap? Do we start killing those who are poor or denying right, or do we find a place to disperse the population. Like you said, there is much more to this problem, but sex in space provides more insight to our options.

  2. I enjoyed your post and agree with you. Why don't we find out the rationale behind what NASA is spending the money on first? Then make informed decisions on how to spend that money. Why can't we use that money to help make life here on Earth continue. We need to find ways to keep life on Earth as an option as Mars really doesn't seem like a viable one at all. I for one would like to see the money spent on this planet and not one that many of us will probably never even see.

  3. Eradication of the human species, if it happens, will be something that was meant to occur. Some of you may shake your heads (and that's your opinion, your choice) but I do believe in God and believe that things happen for a reason. If we are meant to be eradicated then eventually whether its here on Earth or in space or on Mars its going to happen, I sure as hell am glad the dinosaurs were taken out. We treat our planet badly, so what's to say that we wouldn't be just as horrid to the next civilization? I agree with the theory of lets fix the core of the problems instead of moving on to create another problem.
