Friday, October 10, 2014

Feeling Like Air

Chapter three of Packing for Mars by Mary Roach was he most interesting to me. I loved reading the stories about the astronauts being in space and not having gravity to weigh them down. I would love to be able to feel the feeling of no gravity. Having the ability to float around and feel as light as air would be an amazing feeling. With the astronauts explaining their experience being unforgettable or breathtaking makes me want to have that feeling as well. When the astronauts used to go outside the capsule to experience space from not just inside a small space but to experience it for real they found it hard to get back into the capsules because not having gravity makes it hard to direct where you want to go. It took the one astronaut over twenty five minutes to get back into the capsule. It was very interesting to read about the altitudes planes would go to in the early days of space travel to see what it was like to be up there alone and the feeling it gave them at the high altitudes. It was also cool to read about the different space missions that happened throughout time and how they improved and changed over the years. I do not necessarily want to be an astronaut but I would love to have the feeling of no gravity once in my life. I’m sure it would be amazing and just to feel this once in my life would be life changing. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your article! Being weightless seems so amazing. Could you imagine having the job of an astronaut, it would be so indescribable. Time goes by so slowly and every moves slowly including yourself. I also enjoyed reading the stories about the astronauts. It really made me want to go to space.

  2. Amanda, I think it would be very cool to experience zero gravity for a couple minutes but I am sure I couldn't do it for months like astronauts do. It would drive me crazy not being able to walk.
