Friday, October 10, 2014

What stinks, is that you?

The chapter that caught my attention in Packing for Mars was chapter 10 Houston, We Have A Fungus. When the astronauts go in space many are going without showers for a few days in the book they had to go a little longer.” Two men, two weeks, no bathing, same underwear”. (Roach 93) This quote is basically saying that the two men could not bath and being a female I would have not gone up there. I say this because females and males as well can get diseases such as yeast infections, and bacterial infections. I could not imagine being up there and not be able to even take a bird bath. I think that this would be the dirtiest and hardest thing to do while on the job.  Reading even further shocked me because it could be two to six weeks. I would honestly have to sit this one out I could not stomach that thought of not doing so. It always said about minimal sponging and changing of bed sheets. That could cause bed bugs and other diseases. I believe that I am a mediocre germaphobe, so I will never be able to handle something like this. I would always not be able to handle the smell my body will project, and the smell of others, especially if they took off their helmets. This makes it even worse because not only do you have to suffer by not showering but you also have to suffer because you had to smell your own body odor plus everyone else’s. Therefore this will never be a job for me to EVER go after I could not stomach all of this.

1 comment:

  1. Sadie, I agree! Not bathing or having good hygiene is not an option for me. As a nurse I see people all of the time with skin infections that sometimes extend down into their bone causing them to have toes/feet/legs amputated. I couldn't imagine not taking care of my skin because it is what protects our bodies.
